We've acquired some new equipment in the shop - an industrial ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning carburetors and other small parts. Ultrasonic cleaners use high frequency sound waves to generate microscopic bubbles in a water bath solution (it's called cavitation), and these scour the grime and dirt off, leaving clean metal behind. They are great for unclogging all the tiny holes and passageways in motorcycle carburetors.
The tricky part is finding an ultrasonic cleaner that is both tuned to the correct frequency (most are for jewelry, so their frequency is too high for industrial cleaning) and put out enough amperage to be effective (most are too weak). We were lucky to find one that meets both these requirements. Here are some of our early results:
In addition to our normal carburetor cleaning services, we will be offering the option of running your carburetor (or any other parts) through our ultrasonic cleaner. It's a good option if you want to do most of the work yourself, but also want to make sure that everything is actually clean, and all passageways are clear. We will run each carb through the cleaner, and any small parts you want to remove beforehand (such as jets, emulsion tubes, mixture screws) can be run in a separate basket. We will then blow everything out with compressed air afterwards to ensure it is clean and clear. Get in touch for pricing, thanks!